Artisans Allies


Front Desk Volunteers (Deskies) at Artisans Asylum staff our front desk during our “open to the public” hours.

Deskies are a representative of A2 and are often the first point of contact that guests have with our organization. So, whether greeting someone who walks through the front door, taking a phone call or responding to an email, you are both a community liaison and a brand ambassador. First impressions are important, and Deskies are a big part of that experience. How people experience A2 often determines whether and how they elect to join us. That same welcoming, thoughtful and respectful experience will drive our community growth and sustainability. We expect all Deskies to embrace this responsibility wholeheartedly!

  • To receive perks, individuals must work at least one 4-hour Deskie shift every week.

  • Complimentary Membership to the Artisans Asylum facilities.

    50% Discount for up to two A2 classes per month.

    *Limit of 2 volunteers per class.

  • If you’re interested in volunteering as a Deskie, fill out this Interest Form and someone will contact you shortly!

Tool Testers

Tool Testers are safety officers, guides, and ambassadors for their respective shop. Tool Testers are in place to primarily assess a Member or Day Pass User’s ability to use a tool safely and for its intended purpose.

  • To receive perks, individuals must provide at least 10 hours per month of tool testing office hours.

  • Complimentary membership to the Artisans Asylum facilities.

    50% Discount for up to two A2 classes per month.

    *Limit of 2 volunteers per class.

  • Contact the appropriate Shop Lead to inquire about becoming a Tool Tester!

Shop Leads-in-Training / Shop Assistants

Shop Leads-In-Training fulfill an essential role at Artisans Asylum, carrying out the maintenance of a clean, functional, safe, and reliable shop environment for our members. Working with your respective Shop Lead, with support from the Facilities & Art Director, Facilities Coordinators, volunteers, and members, Shop Leads-In-Training help A² to understand and respond to the needs of our makers while ensuring a productive and safe work environment. An important success factor in this role is willingness and readiness to learn the essentials of managing a successful, clean shop environment.

Shop Leads-in-Training report to the Facilities & Art Director and act to support their respective Shop Lead(s)

  • To receive perks, individual must support their respective Shop Lead for at least 10 hours per month

  • Complimentary membership to the Artisans Asylum facilities.

    50% Discount for up to two A2 classes per month.

    *Limit of 2 volunteers per class.

    The opportunity to take over as a paid Shop Lead in the future.

  • Contact your Shop Lead to inquire about any positions that may be available!